DN16 3 Postcodes, Map, Properties And Census Information

Facts Checked By Data Team - Written By Simon Rose - Reviewed By Jonathan Benton

DN16 3 is a postcode sector in North Lincolnshire, UK. Below is a complete list of DN16 3 Postcodes (Active). DN16 3 postcode sector comprises of 317 active postcodes. DN16 3 sector has a population of 14056, and it has 5878 properties in the region.

Browse Information On DN16 3 postcode sector

DN16 3 Postcode and Census - Statistical Overview

Population 14056
Addresses / Property Count 5878
Active Postcodes 317
Nearby Postcode Districts 32
Nearby Postcode Sectors 2

View Map Of DN16 3 Postcode Sector

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showing 0-50 of 317 postcodes
Postcode Latitude Longitude Households Population Easting Northing
DN16 3AA 53.56543800 -0.63448700 26 58 490536 408514
DN16 3AB 53.56530000 -0.63500500 17 39 490502 408498
DN16 3AD 53.56458800 -0.63567700 13 25 490459 408418
DN16 3AE 53.56595800 -0.63601100 27 59 490434 408570
DN16 3AF 53.56132600 -0.61849500 N/A N/A 491604 408077
DN16 3AG 53.56130500 -0.61743800 6 10 491674 408076
DN16 3AH 53.56192200 -0.61797700 18 25 491637 408144
DN16 3AJ 53.56102100 -0.61930500 N/A N/A 491551 408042
DN16 3AL 53.56187700 -0.61951800 N/A N/A 491535 408137
DN16 3AN 53.56370700 -0.63800100 12 32 490307 408317
DN16 3AP 53.56446600 -0.63439800 28 75 490544 408406
DN16 3AQ 53.55970900 -0.62534500 34 86 491154 407888
DN16 3AR 53.56566200 -0.63289400 28 66 490641 408541
DN16 3AS 53.56615500 -0.63192700 4 10 490704 408597
DN16 3AT 53.56488900 -0.63205900 24 50 490698 408456
DN16 3AU 53.56338500 -0.63186600 16 40 490714 408289
DN16 3AW 53.56321100 -0.63522700 N/A N/A 490492 408265
DN16 3AX 53.56200800 -0.63174400 19 31 490725 408136
DN16 3AY 53.56138900 -0.63183900 13 24 490720 408067
DN16 3BA 53.56079300 -0.63210400 3 5 490704 408000
DN16 3BB 53.56086500 -0.63475500 27 56 490528 408005
DN16 3BD 53.56075400 -0.63684200 9 23 490390 407990
DN16 3BE 53.56114200 -0.63615000 11 28 490435 408034
DN16 3BF 53.56138100 -0.62012300 N/A N/A 491496 408081
DN16 3BG 53.56115500 -0.63418700 31 80 490565 408038
DN16 3BH 53.56164800 -0.63301200 4 15 490642 408094
DN16 3BJ 53.56143400 -0.63574800 21 43 490461 408067
DN16 3BL 53.56146200 -0.63718500 22 56 490366 408068
DN16 3BN 53.56203900 -0.63521600 9 25 490495 408135
DN16 3BP 53.56406300 -0.63457700 28 61 490533 408361
DN16 3BQ 53.56140700 -0.63342400 10 26 490615 408067
DN16 3BS 53.56303300 -0.63648200 37 120 490409 408244
DN16 3BT 53.56250200 -0.63483800 39 83 490519 408187
DN16 3BU 53.56250100 -0.63785800 38 124 490319 408183
DN16 3BW 53.56286300 -0.63256200 57 133 490669 408230
DN16 3BX 53.56283800 -0.63747000 20 66 490344 408221
DN16 3BZ 53.56028800 -0.62983700 7 14 490855 407947
DN16 3DA 53.55990800 -0.63039300 8 18 490819 407904
DN16 3DB 53.56034800 -0.62882300 14 25 490922 407955
DN16 3DD 53.56047800 -0.63073600 8 17 490795 407967
DN16 3DE 53.56084400 -0.62892800 15 41 490914 408010
DN16 3DF 53.56029900 -0.62767700 14 23 490998 407951
DN16 3DG 53.56039600 -0.62670800 13 27 491062 407963
DN16 3DH 53.56494900 -0.64448400 40 94 489875 408447
DN16 3DJ 53.56466400 -0.64233300 14 43 490018 408418
DN16 3DL 53.56567800 -0.64293500 28 74 489976 408530
DN16 3DN 53.56591900 -0.64205200 15 37 490034 408558
DN16 3DP 53.56572600 -0.64005000 15 38 490167 408539
DN16 3DQ 53.56109000 -0.62268800 N/A N/A 491327 408045
DN16 3DR 53.56425700 -0.64048900 23 58 490141 408375
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